About Us
Falyn Walter
Mom, entrepreneur, obsessively clean & organized
Falyn has been providing busy families with a clean, comfortable home to come back to for over 20 years.
While working for another cleaning company Falyn and Kim, a friend and co-worker, dreamed daily of owning their own cleaning company.
After leaving a home the two had just cleaned, tragically they were hit by another car killing Kim. After recovering from the grief of losing her friend, Falyn decided it was time to branch out on her own. She honored her friend Kim (nick-named Kim Possible) by naming her company Maid Possible.
That was in 2017 and she hasn’t looked back. She’s been using her need to be clean and organized to serve her clients every day.
She’s a single mom to Cashton and when she’s not wrangling him she loves to catch up on much needed sleep, see the sights and travel.